Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The famous Dutch Babies!

I have this recipe courtesy of my mother-in-law, Jan.  I'm pretty sure it is one of the first breakfasts she made for me.  Probably the day after I walked ten miles in the snow (for reals) to spend my first Christmas at her house.  I pretty much was spoiled that entire trip...well after we made it there without becoming the next "made for Lifetime movie."  But this has become such a normal part of life that I can't recall just when I was introduced.  It's like I've always known these "babies" existed.  (Sorry, couldn't resist that obvious and awful little play on words.)


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 cube (yes, a cube) of butter
  • Topping of your choice
    • syrup
    • powder sugar
    • frozen (or freshly made) strawberries and sugar (aka strawberry goo!)
    • Peach jam
    • Cottage cheese and blue berries
    • Lime and season salt (had this version once at a B&B!)
    • Any combination of yummy stuff


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  2. Place cube of butter in a 9x13 glass baking dish and let it melt in oven during the preheat.
  3. Mix eggs, flour, and milk in a bowl by hand!!!!  Don't over mix.  Better to leave clumpy than smooth (I have no idea why...)
  4. Remove baking dish from oven and pour batter in the middle, letting it spread evenly with the melted butter getting pushed and pooled on the sides.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes
  6. Cut into squares and serve with a topping of your choice!

  • If I can get away with it, I use only half a cube of butter.  It's just too buttery for me but everyone else gets annoyed if I half it...  So you CAN use less butter if you want and if your family allows.
  • The best part of Dutch Babies is periodically turning the oven light on after about 10 minutes  and watching it "grow" at the corners and sides.
  • It will totally deflate when you take it out of the over.  That's just life kiddos.

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